six cats were kept in a shed
in the garden
open the door
and what do we see
first it has never been cleaned out
there’s inches
of urine and shit there
and oviously
sickness and infections
now blighting those animals
they have no love
just themselves
it appears
the women who had them
we can’t say she cared for them
they women who had them
heightened their fears
they must have thought
they had been born
into hell
clearly such sweet souls
sickened by the smell
having to sit on such a gross mat
of blood snot and poo
and flea eggs she at
the front in her house
did she never care
about how she was leaving
the poor kitties there
the photograph shows them
sat posing together
wondering I am sure
really no
w whether
things were to change
and the hell that they knew
would go far away
I am sure thats their view
the women was fined 500 bucks
all I can say to her
madam it sucks
to see what you left them with
how did you sleep
knowing they lived on this
vile filthy heap