It had been purgatory
and for her
a lifetime of grief
for really they were
not in a farm
but a camp we can say
where evil was undergone
every day
Alice had given birth
4 or 5 times
and her babies were taken
all of those crimes
committed before her sweet eyes
and she knew
that each one was murdered
and each one they threw
into a barrow called the death pile
and some of them in there
they kicked up a while
when you carry a baby
for 9 months and see
the poor little soul killed
it does break your heart
and they know that as well
thats why they do it
to make it like hell
She never could rest up
couldn’t lay still
she had her nightmares
and perhaps always will
her babies had no chance
to have colostrum
they couldn’t be with her
in case they had some
Alice beside herself
day after day
cried herself silly
she’d been made to pay
so that humans could
drink all her goodness away
the bovine growth hormone
that probably would
be suppressed by their bodies
and just be no good
all of those miracles
wasted and gone
her babies all murdered
that was some con
it never got passed
the barn door
it appears
people never knew
nor harboured her fears
all the antibiotics
they gave her to grow
the assorted hormones
what had she to show
no little babies
just memories she
was now an old women
not much older than 3
a cow lives for 20 years
some even longer
when they are loved
they really get stronger
out in the pastures
fed on the green
out in the sunshine
not milked by machine
a cow can go on
for decades some say
but Alice was spent
at the end of each day
and now was a downer
with arthritic feet
who suffered the pain
and how they did beat
the life out of her
just every day
she sadly just couldn’t get
out of the way
she was punched and was kicked
she was beaten and bruised
she couldn’t walk
it was not that she refused
but they couldn’t see that
no one wanted to know
they took out their frustration
on her
every blow
came with an expletive
and she took the lot
for most of the time
she was stuck on one spot
the floors were so filthy
with faeces and grot
with blood and with urine
with maggots and snot
how could she stand up
in all of this slime
of course she fell down
in it time after time
once being milked
she fell under a gate
wedged there she was
in such a state
injured she was
and her arthritic feet
caught in a rail
and whilst there they beat
they sexually assaulted her
twisted her tail
she bellowed aloud
it drove sane men pale
to hear her a siren
in such abject pain
being sexually assaulted again and again
Alice was not in wonderland here
she was in hell
and she lived in great fear
not of being killed
but the torture and pain
the stress and the struggle
and the terrible strain
the ag gag rule’s coming
they want it to be
passed into law
so no one can see
what is going on
in this hell hole today
if it happens oh goddess
what could we then say
Alice was taken to the slaughterhouse
had her throat cut and sailed off
to somewhere to be
hopefully rested
to then be in peace
for clearly the old girl
had won her release
that is a dairy
that is a place
that is the pits
a vile dark disgrace
no soul should ever
go through this but they
like Alice will get the same
treatment each day
if you drink milk
eat your yoghurts and cheese
just remember poor Alice
whose life was no breeze
remember her babies each one of them
whilst you drink her milk
her babies blood spilled
in milk now today
there is pus there is poo
there is blood there are chemicals
so why you do
take an ungulates milk
bovine growth hormone too
remember for gods sake
its not helping you
its totally alien
that is for sure
just remember the
barn and the state of the floor