Japan lies through its
back teeth and gets away with it
Research it paints upon its bows
we all know that is shit
and somehow they get away with it
no one wants to be
the rotter in the woodpile
so it appears to me
but sea shepherd’s lovely black
is unfurled for all to see
they take their fight
right to the southern ocean
and then of course there’s Canada
more liars when they say
its all about the fish stocks
that why the babies pay
its nothing about fish stocks
they have created a market
for skins
for gloves and hats and bags for hags
and coats to cover shins
Seal Penis thats for china
100 every year
shot to steal their manhood
more lies and yet more fear
Then of course Namibia once again
we see
seals cut down in hundreds
the fishing industry
scape goats for whats obvious
a commercial enterprise
out of a seal sanctuary
who did realize
the corruption and the turmoil
the mayhem we all see
these countries all are lying
and doing it blatantly
only human beings
torture shoot and kill
not because they want to eat them
really for the thrill
of all this exploitation
the skins the corporate ways
of making lots of money
because of course it pays