GMO the satanic force

Some consider themselves powerless
when taking on those who
bill themselves as Giants
giants there to screw
the life out of our politicians
the retailers and those
who complacently are on the fucking
treadmill I suppose

These screw balls think
true maniacs who work at Monsanto
we watched them manipulate Bush Snr
that show
of arrogance was evident
they danced around him they
made him think that he was god
a very small price to pay

of course the imbeciles
who conjure up these tricks
like exploding insects stomachs
the sicko’s without pricks
work out of some hysteria
blatantly they try
to appeal to all the low life
profiteers whose ask is why

cant we take more profit
not share some food with those
insects and wild animals
that the great God, had chose
for its then providing balance
its then that we must see
all are fed and watered
by the powers that all can see

this move to waste
all creatures
whether great or small
so the corporates can shovel dollars
like the poor now shovel coal
its bringing us into disrepute
with the Gods on high who feel
that we are lackadaisical
and that the wondrous wheel
of life is being compromised

for the sins of men are many
GMO is a filthy science
and I personally don’t want any
that governments have sunk into
their pit of shit just proves
the pharmaceutical wizards think they have
developed all the moves
but the truth is that they missed the point
the point of no return
and developing such evils
in the pit of Hell we ‘ll all burn

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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