From Rimini to Genoa, sedation and the rest

From Rimini to Genoa
one journey too far
for a mother and her babies
and of course well now they are
in a bigger area from that
poky little place
where they had been so confined
which was truly a disgrace

The authorities could see it
and the veterinarians could too
and on much closer inspections
knew what they had to do
they are now in some 3 million gallons
which sounds a lot perhaps
but the ocean is the only place
these tanks are just vile traps
prison cells for mammals
who lives we fill with stress
so realise the enormity
they are still under duress

In Rimini or Genoa
or America or Japan
Dolphins should all be released
and not controlled by man
its a waste of their resources
their ability to be
themselves they are intelligent
and react with constancy
their emotions become shot away
a psychosis creates more
complications for them
as inside themselves they store

the rigidity of humaneness
its an evil we don’t see
for we only care about ourselves
and the creatures of the sea
we imprison them in boredom
we create for them a place
which is tiny by comparison
and is just a vile disgrace
we are selfish we are ignorant
uncaring in what we do
the mammals entertain us
but they suffer all life through

and the move is seen as good
in honesty these dolphinariums
really now they should
be closed down they are cruel
and are imprisoning wild souls
and this is not the way to go
we should not impose our roles
on other wondrous creatures
who live out in the sea
they are wild and travel miles and miles
in our prisons they should never be

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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