We have set to work to darken
their character and fool
the population sadly
create a kind of ghoul
that roams the wilder areas
in search of blood and gore
a beast that shows no mercy
with a passion that is raw
imagine such a beast
a wild soul yes indeed
who roams in packs whose prowess
is clearly to succeed
his main rival is man un kind
the ranchers who would see
the wolf and all his brethren
murdered instantly
trapped or hunted
machine gunned from the air
just any way
to get to grips with this predator
who very quickly rips
the life out of his charges
the rancher man I mean
who spreads his cattle
across the land
like an ever changing stream
into the path of the wolf souls
who will take down any steer
wolves don’t understand
the ploy of man and do not fear
they are apex predators
the truest carnivore
and so there is a conflict
in fact an all out war
but wolves are very honourable
they live a good clean life
they love they mourn
and it must dawn
on them their life of strife
is not made any easier
by our fiction and our lies
a wolf is not some monster
this we must realise
its created as we all are
it has a precious place
to compete in the wilderness
of course it has to face
all sorts of external pressures
which it does with so much ease
and with family cooperation
and the spirit for to please
its a successful hunter
instinct takes it far
born with innate qualities
really its the star
its experience of Nature
its magical embrace
it can so fight its corner
with aggression and with grace
it is facing a real sombre time
for the ranchers have the power
and can influence the government
lobbying hard for now
there’s pressure always pressure
there is profit to be had
which has led to desperation
in some quarters which is sad
the realms of legendary fantasy
have worked into our mind
the wolf comes in for criticism
everywhere we find
people ready to go out
and kill them which is why
they need to be protected
for many people lie
and the wolf it gets the brunt
of it
and this is hardly fair
the first people know the truth of it
they are so aware
having lived out in the forest
with the wolves from long ago
both respect each other
for both were in the flow
now the city slickers
armed to the teeth have come
they have other interests
profits, every crumb
is important they want nothing
to stand now in their way
and wolves with their darkened characters
are fair game I would say
and in many states the battle
is clearly highly charged
legislation has been withdrawn
the hunters they have barged
into what was wolf land and are
taking them out fast
there is a battle going on
the die now appears cast
but the people must remember
the wolves have been around
for centuries and know the
precious ground
they live a really precious life
and family is their thing
that’s why they are successful
and how they in fact bring
their presence to the wilderness
and manage as they do
to by pass all the stories
and impress those who view
their prowess and their knowledge
and their intelligence and power
and of course their outstanding experience
which they utilise each hour
they have to they are up against
man un kind who will
make up stories tell their lies
and go after them and kill
some times down from helicopters
sometimes trap them, they
really have to be on their metal
each moment of each day