I have gained the run of woodlands
no fear any more
i go out when I ask her
she just opens the door
i haven’t got a cat flap
but it’s all very new
going left through the blue fence
or right the woods
that drew
my feline prowess infinitely
the magic that is there
where hooting owls
and rabbits run
where I am more aware
over to the architects house
his garden is a treat
i can get inside his summer house
and he leaves me some meat
chicken freshly roasted
it seems it’s always there
in a pretty little bowl
underneath a chair
i am going out for longer
lots of haunts to find
lots of different places
another place behind
a young tabby there
miriam she’s called
she reminds me of orange
although I am not fooled
my mum loves this new Tring house
although the move was rough
she worked hard like a blooming slave
it became enough
i hate to see her suffering
her legs and knees on fire
with all the jobs she has to do
sometimes her life is dire
but clearly she is happier
that and I can pee outside
i am quite embarrassed
Having to go inside
upsets me my mum needs to
clean , a blooming cat
It’s far better that I can go
knowing where I am at.