Quinoa and beyond

High up in the Andes

calderas everywhere

wonderful volcanoes

and clean sweet  mountain air

coming back one night
the air freezing everywhere

found a couple of ladies

hoping they could share

our van both of them freezing

they sat beside us they

felt our much warmer bodies

heated I can say


A daughter with her mother

both sat by my side

i warmed them felt their shivering

so cold but they denied

everything they left soon

and tragic I found the old lady

died the next day

staring at the moon


laid out in her heavenly bed

wrapped in blankets she

Would have her final send off

i was with her so sadly



The  next day was invited to the wake

and we sent her off to Heaven

lets her soul fly free


the Andes is a cold affair

a rocky  mountainous scene

the village about 40 homes

having lost her dud demean

the atmosphere around a bouts

a sadness everywhere

to feel her close

and shivering

sharing the despair

clad in her best clobber

missing her was I

already having tried to warm her up

i did so try

she held me her weak hands did shake

close to me she was

she kissed me when she left

I think that’s because

i wanted her to sit inside

not leave  them in the back

frost and snow

no place to go

looking to the sky so black

No stars  nothing did twinkle

I watched her to her door

bent almost to double

her spirit lost for sure







About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Andes, Duty of care was always there, Ecuador and it’s almighty splendour, Energy, Explorers and Visionaries. Bookmark the permalink.

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