Guns/yes the shooters, people who feel
the need to kill wildlife
then try to conceal
their evil
in stink pits
those pheasants we see
stalking the highwaysThe males honestly
Yes handsome males
colourful they
imported from France
to be shot
it’s a way,
of raising the ego
For people who shoot
these wonderful birds
and waste loads of loot
doing it to
even the hen
a none too beautiful bird
my ask when
will these numbskulls believe
that shooting wild birds
leaves even the bards
lost in the countryside
yes lost for words
shooters ought to use tungsten
But it’s lead that they use
the countryside littered
with all they abuse
wounded and dying birds
or wasted shot
causing massive pollution
to those birds that rot
the shot looks like seed
means other souls may
think that it’s seed
eating it right away
,lead is a poison it kills
slowly, they
these so called guns
need a hiding I say.
Partridges,Pheasant, Grouse Ducks and Geese
Swans even belonging To the King
find No peace
after eating the lead shot
and knowing that they
will also fall sick.
at the end of the DAY.