AWH and Matthew Shiels

There was always a case to be answered
Of solid and tangible form
A David and Goliath scenario
A true disposition, or storm
Of protest and intricate dealings
Negligence on a grand scale
It went back ten years, it was awful
Of the air source heat pump, that did fail

Creating, a true confrontation
Discordant remedies where
David took heed and went forward
Brushing off so much despair
Clearly so many disagreements
Inharmoniousness one could feel
Leading to a maladjustment
And antagonistic for real

A corporate flexing its muscles
David, weaker by the day
Defective the unit and the installation
Making the client just pay
Clearly the unit inadequate
In an embryo state one might say
Installed very badly
An inferior job
From day one she was then left to pay

Very high energy prices
The extra cost very real
Left with half-measures
And very few pleasures
An almost unending ordeal
The council undoubtedly arrogant
Embraced the government scheme
Employing inadequate tradesman
And sadly a lack lustre team

All consuming of heat and of water
Nondescript artless and crude
Low temperature wintry shivers
Imperfect and still to conclude
The cadence and harshness and upset
The lack of comfort one needs
In retrospection it’s obvious to us
With such a large outlay it feeds
Into a true litigation
Enter Matthew Sheils and the team

The case rumbled on for a long time
Logical processes reigned
We needed the patience of Job for sometime
Dissension and ignorance pained
Their antics were surely absurd
Imbecility lead to frustration
Their fatuous notion expressed
Slow on the uptake all of the time
At winning they all seemed possessed

The time where Matthew took over our case
A leading light in a way
An expectation of better things
Coherent and explicit I’d say
It has been a challenge
A long drawn out affair
Full of complexity and in that way rare

We felt an unwillingness a form of protest
Non-cooperation a faint hearted ness
Negative attitudes grudging neglect
Recalcitrant attitudes
As we dissect
Every last inch of the unflinching load
With steadfastness honestly we hit the road
Despite their obstinacy and pig-headed ways
Finally realising patience it pays.

Thank you Matthew for all your help

Claudia and Rex

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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