There is no end to it

It must be now ten whole years
Of what I call my aggravation
It’s really something I thought might happen
Might be my true salvation
250 dollars an investment so to say
I was going to strike it rich
The skies around from grey
Might change to blue forever
A rainbow might be seen
Blue birds could be chirping
My darkness could have been

Brighter all the positives
Could be coming near
Riches by the thousand fold
Might wash away the fear
As to imagination and dreamland
It could be
The end game
Like a chicken clucking
Very delicately

In the darkness of my coop
Feathers all about
Waiting for the stars to shine
In a current world of doubt
Every day that phone call
Investigators, they
We’re coming to help me get it back
The loss that I did pay

I was duped and left to struggle
Sadly that was I
And they were coming to save me
That was the reason why
It didn’t matter who I was
The crypto star brigade
My name was now up in the clouds
Locked and would not fade

My everyday was awful
And they were coming to be
My saviours everyone of them
Yes they were helping me
The virgin boss from somewhere
Told me he could be
Actually my saviour
My source of monetary

Exposure I could share his wealth
Not have to scream all day
That I was broke and hopeless
He could, show me the way
I had fallen for the obvious
Ten years was my pain
Every single sunny day
Could end up in the rain

Without a coat just wet through
Broken torn and lost
Buying into the AI shit
That now was the cost
They had me on their records
Torture my embrace
Giving my code and whereabouts
They now know, my face

I am done for and my wallet
Is full up but I
Must spill the beans
And in my jeans perform
Aloud that’s why
Every day was out there
They were going to be
The saviour of the moment
My lasting destiny.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, Archive stuff from the nineties, Block chain, Criminality, Duty of care was never there. Bookmark the permalink.

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