Nabil was bleating
As he was being dragged
Behind a truck
Across the sand
His senses they were flagged
Clearly lame and sadly
Disabled at this time
And literally being tortured
Which to me seemed like a crime
Painfully the violence
Little real humility
Straining at the bit it felt
Unfair so much hypocrisy
He had worked across the months
Hauling heavy weights around
And now dragged from existence
Probably to a hell hole bound
Crying out for mercy
The biting sand as he
Felt his skin a wounded
By the coarseness tragically
Made to feel unwanted
Uncared for and alone
Suffering in full view
Worse than he had ever known
Clearly so downhearted
Wondering what would be
The outcome of this torture
And what felt like infamy
A camel slaves their guts out
And is rewarded by
Getting slammed and wounded
Infact hung out to dry