Everywhere’s dark
Everywhere’s quiet
I’m in my bed
With some in sight
A profound ache
In my body, and I
Must have slept ages
And of course I know why
Exhausted and weaker
My ribs kind of torn
I haven’t felt like this
Since the day I was born
Lost in so many ways
To myself I said
When the ping from my I pad
Alerted my head
To rise be awake
Someone called me someone
Was it Matthew it could have been
But the time felt done
I had changed my notes
When exhaustion hit me
I appeared soaked in sweat
In my catastrophe
So many problems
Running out of time
The great Yule was coming
Where was the rhyme
Eyes closing heart beating
A great fulsome pain
Deep in my being
Thinking felt invain
She said go back to sleep
It’s nighttime you fool
See you in the morning
Later, I shall call
I fell over the precipice
Sleepy as hell
Immersed in my sleep world
Under a spell
Deep breaths are painful
That I am aware
Between the blankets
It’s lovely to share
The softness around me
The warmth I just knew
I would have to
get through this
Whatever I do