Three times he raped me
Three times I gave
Birth, 3 times
Each child they stole
Each led away
To the market stall
on that given day
Of course i bellowed
Day and night
My eyes were sore
It wasn’t right
They steal my milk
My nutrition, they
Pasteurise it
Every day
Ice cream, butter
Chocolate too
Yoghurt, custard
What to do
Having a child
9 months of grief
Giving birth to her
It’s beyond belief
To see her stolen
From my side
Tossed into a barrow
Was her slide
Several times onto the floor
Poor soul
My sweet dear baby
Knew her role
No milk for her
Just led away
My milk would go the dairy way
Into the cartons and bottles
To sell
Whilst my little baby was
Left in Hell.
The dairy trade
Is a rotten place
Cruel and evil
A disgrace
All us mothers
We are raped and lost
We have our children
And they are tossed
Into the bins
Or into a cage
And bloody well left there
For an age.