Just one fish and the chicken shit that end up down here

Living in a canal
Not far away
A perch or a pike
Or a gudgeon
Each day
Living in a peaceful existence
Where we see the ducks over head and the sky

Below in the mud
There are worms everywhere
There are all sorts of creatures
In a life we all share
It’s black and it’s dark
Till we come up for air
We see the blue sky

From our watery fair

Boats chug along
Diesel doesn’t belong
Some toss their muck
On the surface the ducks sits
As do others
Nobody cares
These days there’s no one
Saying their prayers

Old bikes are tossed
A tangle of wire
Glass bottles and coke cans
Down here it’s dire
We all have to live in this filth
And this muck
Where The odd heron peers
The swan and the duck

Life goes on under the bridges
And we
the freshwater fish
Struggle to see
Above all the humans
Throw bread everywhere
Creating a stink
And so much despair

Rats there are many
Swim all about
The countryside sadly
So many flout
All sorts of chemicals
All sorts of shit
From your big chicken factories
We get a bit

It’s killing us daily
No one though hears
Factories everywhere
So many fears
Rain down on our world
From your world above
Pollution and slurry
And miniscule love

Animals come to drink
We smell their fear
We see their eyes caked with a tear
They are being killed
And eaten we hear
And the excrement laid on the land
It is clear

In the canals the bold arteries where
We get the mess it is everywhere
Farmers apparently have no regard
For us creatures down here
Who are sadly off guard
Sadly diseased lost souls for sure
Picked off by course fishermen
Who still ignore
Their hooks and their ground bait
Pollute all the time
Some end up in their creels
And just become slime
Worms silent Riggling no body knows
The filth and the muck
That you lot now pose.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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