There is a continued sadness
A lack of understanding where
Government sadly is I’ll advised
And presents an onward scare
Story about the wildness
Of badgers that abound
In quiet setts in and around the place
Whose whereabouts astound
So many with their life force
Their existence quietly does
Enhance the chance of miracles
In an age related buzz
There is no TB connection
It’s brought about alas
By sadly supporting Dairy
And tragically en masse
The rigours of their existence
In a most unnatural state
Weakens them for profit
And will not not wipe the slate
Badgers get a rollicking
For being where they be
They live their wild lives
For that’s their honesty
Blame and killing tragically
The public tend to hear
But carry on supporting
dairy thus I fear
The consequences sadly arrogance
And ignorance abound
Bruin and Brooks
Are part of the invisible
Their ground
Soft and truthfully genuinely
Providing a wholesome way
Of delivering their wildness
Every truthfully honest day
Stop murdering them and take a closer look
At the infallibility of the dairy industry