Seventh of October

So so much planning
But not under wraps
To break through the wall
To attack those saps
They were the under dogs
All had the heart
Up against arrogance
Right from the start

They are just training
Thats what they thought
Killed in their beds
They hadn’t bought
The spectacular bravery
Slow to respond
No ground controls
A fighting bond
of men from the camps
Ready to die
After some hostages
A reason why

The clarion calls
All the filthiest lies
Decapitated babies
Taking the rise
Out of the world
The Zionist crap
And wholesale Rape
Without a scrap
Of evidence actually
Israel does
Increase the anti
With a hell of a buzz

Allowing a softening up
Of the crimes
Blacken the hearts
Of Hamas and the rhymes
Curled in hearts everywhere
As we know
The Hannibal Directive
Deaths then did grow

So many lies promulgated by
The IDF a and the Leaderhsip
up in the government
Put it about
Thousands were slaughtered
In a great bombing rout
then came
The children the women all lost
Bombed, blown apart
under rubble lay tossed
Evil crescendos of rockets and fire
Aid stopped and food stopped
So close to the wire

Famine starvation houses blown down
Hospitals ended
In blood they drown
Tented Gut rocketed and they were bombed
Whole cities were told
Get out of our way
Or in hell you’ll be rolled

It’s 38,000 already are dead
Close to 100,000 it’s said
Wounded and limbless
Gaza is flat
Women and children we know where they are at
The lies that were told
About Hamas the raid
Concentrated energy
On them was laid
You bet they were angryYou bet it was war
But the end result people
No one can ignore

A blood bath a genocide
Historic pain
The settlers had moved in
Again and again
Stolen their homes
Stolen their land
Stolen their farms
All of that planned

Called them the Amlwch
The animals who
Must bow down and salute us
That’s what they do
We are the masters
They are the mice
They must do what we tell them

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Famine, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones, Wars, zionists. Bookmark the permalink.

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