
Starbucks out at Thame
Are serving chocolate with oat milk
A kind of vegan cocktail
And alternative of that ilk
Today an added extra
A live cockroach down her throat
Hardly vegan
Or respectful
Complicit too I note
A living creature offered up
Offensive I can say
Obdurate and unashamed
It just is not the way

How did this soul get into
A hot drink, just how fair
No checks or obvious balances
Clearly and no care
From a filthy kitchen
Unwarranted it be
Actually quite scandalous their culpability

I felt sick at the thought
Of a creature in her throat
A practising, vegan
Such heartlessness to quote
The inanity and uncaring
And just unaware
Who wants to eat a cockroach
And, why was it there

The wrathfulness of receiving
Offended, yes of course
Irreverence great cups of it
And Dears, from what source
Joylessness low spirits
Troubled at the sight
Feeling it’s live body
Hacked off in its fight
For life inside her mouth
Unpleasant feeling ghastly
And nauseous each bite

She spat it out
And seeing it did know
How ghastly and awful
And such trauma it did flow
All the way back
Sickening, suffering and sad
And Really feeling bad
Left with a repugnance
An abhorrence of it all
Just filled with such displeasure
With nobody to call.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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