A kind of pink wild rose
A flower of such esteem
A leaf resembling that of the bay
And the Willow it’s a dream
In many parts around the lay-by’s
And edges of the wood
This remarkably beautiful
Spiky soul
Does really all it should
With forget me knots and buttercups
Dandelions a garden wild
An edible medicinal liquor and pickle mild
Scores of them rise rapidly
Bee’s love them the sweet flowers
Waving in the early summer
With all their wondrous powers
Ivan Chai a herbal tea
A pickle from the stalk
A cleansing green so tasty
A bunch pulled on a walk
The hedgerows extra charming
As cover plants they show
Pollinating wisdom
Where ever the soulful go
They colonise a garden patch
Edible all through
Making exceptional salads
As Fire weed and they do
Arrive after a fire has dealt
It’s high octane burn
Bomb weed is it’s other name
In craters you might learn
Renewal of a destructive force
Such magick it performs
And a free and tasty salad
Adding flavour as it warms
An, ancestral pain killer
From the ashes it doth grow
Attracting favoured flavour
From the earth works down below
In many ways so special
Sweet cucumber pith as well
Inside the stem nutrition
It is indeed a spell
Some mint leaves plantain mallow
Dock leaf stalks cooked will
Bring a wholesome relish
And some umber spill
The vinegar of Dublin
With its “Mothers” intact
Through Spring until the Summer ends
Clearly flavour packed.