Those sheep arriving in Israel

91 days since 15,000 sheep & cattle began a cruel, unprecedented journey on Iive export ship Bahijah, the survivors finally arrive in Israel tomorrow.
With a cruel slaughter ahead, these survivors are not the lucky ones.
#BanLiveExport @MurrayWatt STOP THIS!

Imagine one of your moments
In one single day
The export ship Bahijah
After 91 days, the delay
The awful malicious journey
The threats the vile extreme
15000 moments each second
Note each scream
Standing in a filthy hold
Frightened out of our mind
Many of us remembering
What we had left behind
The dusty soil the rabid heat
The cruelty abroad
Transported down to the export ship
It a dark reward

That’s right considered cargo
Made to walk the plank
Out of the light into the dark
By that time thoughts were blank
We feel our hearts are beating
Australia farewell
Our home we loved we shall not see
Again as we enter Hell

A sea journey to Israel being turned back
Due to war
Coming back to hear the shells
And knowing what for
On our legs all these days
Frightened to the core
Standing in our excrement
And breathing it in once more

Our death sentence was promised
Israel’s kosher death
91 days to cogitate
The sweet smell of breath
Nobody to love us
At the end a kosher kill
The sharp end of a life on earth
When our precious blood will spill

Live exports and the freshest flesh
That the Israeli’s could eat
Standing in shit for hours on end
It’s enough to unseat
The most courageous animals
Hell on board was ours
Flies and maggots later
For the sheep and of course cows

We listened to the breathing
The sighing and the crying
The choking there’s no joking
The agony of it all
Pissing ourselves with utter fear
The stench of hatred it was clear
Every moment of every hour
We felt Israel’s power

Our Australian Farmers
Paid to send us there
Knowing how much we would suffer
Sent without a prayer
With insufficient water
With insufficient care
Knowing how much we would suffer
And pleased they were not there

Beside us as we weakened
Took I’ll and mindfully
Thought about the end game
Our grand voyage on the sea
Cruising all the abusing
From the thoughts and fears
Our hearts of course being broken
And our eyes made sore with tears.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, Australia and the epic journeys, Death and Dying, Environmental Poems, Food Processing, Israel, Lambs and Sheep, live exports, Rape, Sadism, Sisterly love against all the odds, slaughterhouses and operatives, SLAVERY, Starvation and the Poor, Unrequited Love. Bookmark the permalink.

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