What chance do these
Volunteers have
Trying to deliver aid
With Israel presiding
Who is going to save
The workers and the injured
And the dead and dying there
Send more of those 2000 ton bombs
Send lasting despair
Hospitals completely
torn down
And inside
smashed to irretrievable
nobody’s denied
Those in the hospital all of them are dead
Put it down to Hamas
That’s what the Israelis said
And now the glorious aid workers
In three vehicles
Are dead
An Australian 3 British
An American 1 Polish
A driver dead he a Palestinian
Seven souls poor dears
The coordinates checked and confirmed
Of course
So heaps and heaps more tears
There will be a full enquiry
Sophisticated sure
If you happen to be in Gaza
And your alive please don’t ignore
The mindset every living person
and animal will be
Shot out of existence
Given half the chance