The sheep farmer

Arse oles they are so for certain
Animals they get short shrift
Lambs and their tails
Just hear their wails
Snipped off do you get my drift
Farmers they bash their own fingers
Damage a knee here and there
They know the pain that’s forth coming
But what of the dear lambs despair?

When they chop off their tails
With a fire stick
Burning and turning them mad
Babies they go through such torment
And farmers do you think they feel sad

Not. But they are being farmers
Long tails on sheep cannot be
Testicles on porky piglets
It doesn’t happen you see
No painkillers nothing for animals
They have to suffer the pain
A sheep farmer is a sheep harmer
Again and again and again.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Antler farming and libido elixers, Farming, Lambs and Sheep, Piglets suckling, Pigs. Bookmark the permalink.

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