2004 the Hunting Act
A long time ago
Meant to curb the hunting monsters
Who think they are in the know
They get in with the constabulary
Who then turn a blind eye
watch the hunters riding out
Just Hear the hunting cry
The fat arsed port gut bellies
On tired old horses they
Chase the likes of red fox
About the woods each day
Breaking the law so good at it
Snubbing the locals who
Love the forest love the foxes
And are clueless to why they do
The rotten stuff called hunting
Uncaringly they go
About their dreadful shitty acts
As if they are in the know
Ignorant as the day is long
Animal abusers they
Will kill the fox and all its cubs
And they all just get away
It down the pub with a brace of birds
Bloodied from the foe
Drinking in charge of horses
Up the lane they go
The cops some turn a blind eye
Others are in the hunt
Brazen they are brazen
Pulling every stunt
Trail hunting another pile of rubbish so to say
We are not hunting foxes or cubs
Get out of the way
Clip clop down the local lane
Hounds to the ready they
Will tear a wild fox to little bits
If they get their way.