Hunting for Foxes
For Hares and for Deers
These criminal elements
Leave me in tears
Clad in their tunics
Riding their steeds
Lacking respect
See how that feeds
Into the consciousness
Where Nature imparts
Such glorious freedom
In everyone’s hearts
Hoteliers and pubs
Who cater for souls
Should omit criminality
Respecting their roles
The honest the abusers of law
Hate them here
So sharing good space
With these hunters, it’s clear
More should say NO to them
Go on your way
Breaking the law
Getting tanked up
Just say
Hunters are banned
In this pub or this bar
You know it makes sense
Wherever they are
Arrogant really
They Think they own the land
They are cruel to their hounds
Most just don’t understand
They are crude to the sabs
They ride on our lanes
They swear they don’t care
And booze in their veins
Is never an idea
Being in charge
Of a fine horse
Weaponry charge
And some of them do it
Loud yes of course
Too Plum mouthed they be
On the back of the horse.