For years they have been gifted
Beautiful Harp Seals
Nursing on the frozen wastes
Their preciousness reveals
Excitement in reality
But Canada is sick
Lacks the will to realise
Really just how thick
The government of Canada is
And the people for they should
Not wander about murdering them
How can that be good
Battering tiny babies
Busting up their skull
Dragging bloody trails along
No one on earth should
Murder babies in cold blood
Infanticide it be
Canada you sicken us
Your evil does for me
Upset hearts and minds abroad
Battered by the scum
hearing babies screaming
Knowing there are some
Lost in fact forever
Their skins sold off to those
Who will buy into seal skin coats
Thinking they will pose
A special clothing winner
Heartless government
Trudeau and his ugliness
The hatred for him grows
Seals eat fish we know that
God made balance and
Sharing fish is obvious
Right across the land
Canada it’s obvious your ignorance is immense
Leaving blood trails everywhere
Really makes no sense.