
Imagine you are starving
Your family are sick
The aid trucks are coming
Flour sacks
you may pick
You sit in the cold climes
Awaiting the show
The trucks they are coming
As well we know

Thousands are coming
Famine is rife
Our children are dying
And so is my wife
Thinner than ever
Frightened are we
Fear the great killer
For now where we be

Run to the lorries
Let’s get some flour
Let’s make some real bread
It’s going to wow
The family
We need it
Our children are weak
The guns are a blazing
Souls fall at our feet

Israel the soldiers
Guns blazing away
Tanks ratcheting forward
What can one say
Bullets are flying
Many are shot
They fall in the puddles
And there they will rot

The soldiers were fearful
The stomachs were full
Out of their sick heads
Some cock and bull
Shooting the starving
Wholesale genocide
The tanks running over
Many have died

Palestine crumbles
It’s people are dire
Shot at blown up
Burning by fire
Our stomachs are empty
Our poor throats are dry
Our children are weak
And of course yes they cry

Occupied Palestine
That’s where we be
Barbed wire and shell shocked
None of us free
Bullets are flying
Lots of us shot
Flour blowing everywhere
That’s what we ‘ve got

The west doesn’t worry
The UK no doubt
They cannot realise
What it’s about
Pendantic persuasion
Means nothing no more
Galloway won his own little war

His mission in Rochdale
A real good idea
Labour and Tory
Their messages clear
Both friends of Israel
Dancing their tune
Losing the people
As the great big balloon

Goes up into the sky and is gone

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Israel, Palestine, People I have observed, Politics, Rants. Bookmark the permalink.

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