Back in 55
Three sisters they
Carolyn And Debra
And of course Kay
Each very beautiful
Each very calm
All in a way
Sadly did come to harm
Debra and Kay
Witnessed the crime
Jolene their step mother
Time after time
Would shout at the girls
And this particular day
Putting Carolyn’s shoes on
In a very bad way
Carolyn’s little shoes
They fell on the floor
And the girls watched
As Jolene’s violence
Got more
And more upsetting
The bruises the slaps
And the way
She was slammed from a height
And what can one say
Little girls watching
Their sister broken
Spitefulness maliciousness
Nothing was spoken
A body of bruises
This pretty wee soul
Blonde hair and blue eyes
A dear little doll
The girls watched in horror
Nothing could they do
The trauma was awful
All they did view
Their beautiful sister
Smashed onto the floor
An incendiary moment
That lodged in their craw
Kay she was five
Debra was three
Carolyn two
The heartlessness view
A wrong had been played out
A crying shame
A wrongheaded moment
And they knew who to blame
They bottled it inside
In their waking hours
Which encroached on their psyche
With unfitting powers
Jolene the step mother
Her temper vile
It was unpardonable
Victimised bile
Lies were then told
How she fell on the floor
And was buried alas
Though the world did adore
Three hours she spent in an iron lung
We hear
Two painful black eyes
A smashed skull
The poor Dear
Broken ribs from before
And bruises all over
Jolene got away
Wasn’t charged ever
Buried in a dress
Of yellow with lace
Of lavender
And the prettiest face
Many years past
The sisters they grew
Up missing Carolyn
Thinking what should they do
The weight of the loss
Was heavy to bear
It took an account
They both so aware
Carolyn died was murdered that day
And Jolene she a monster
Just got away
Just lived her life
Her miserable soul
An ugly monster
Part of her role
The surviving sisters
Were pained by it all
Kay more emboldened
Knew Jolene was a ghoul
She had got away
With a criminal act
Their dearest sweet sister
Couldn’t react
They were not strong enough
Nothing could they do
But watch Carolyn murdered
That much was true
Time passed both were upset
Tortured as well
They knew things were wrong
But they couldn’t tell
The humiliation the utter contempt
Spurned by the elders
When they did attempt
To talk about Carolyn
And so one day
They went to the police
Mostly down to Kay
But Debra was on board
They decided they might
Get Jolene charged
Knowing, what was right
And so the case happened
Really the medical records
And they
When examined proved carolyn
Had been beaten to death
What else could one say
Their dear little sister
A doll cute and pure
Had been beaten and killed
She was wholly demure
But lost her life tragically
In the hands of Jolene
Whose ugly behaviour
Was just plain obscene
The case went ahead
Carolyn was exhumed
The medical records
Examined and they
At the court it was proven
The poor little girls
Were subjected to hell on earth
And they did pay
Jolene was charged
She had murdered the girl
The sisters rewarded
Their lives in a whirl
Of confusion and agony
Thankfully they
Got a closure
And were able to be given a way
Of helping Sweet Carolyn
To peacefully
Rest knowing Jolene
Was charged
CarolynJanuary 23rd 1954
December 5th 1955