Indonesia at The Hague
Tells us how it feels
Israel’s occupation
And injustice
It reveals
A squalid ugly demonstration
With evil at its core
Genocide and murder and
A terrifying war
Settlers invading Palestinian land
turfing residents from their homes
Who can understand
Why countries let this happen
And in fact turn away
Supply them weapons to carry on
And on social media, say
Israel has the right
To defend itself
We see
The rights they have to occupy
And to murder and we
Sick inside just watching their arrogance
Their threats
Genocide and war crimes
And earth resourcing debts
Truculence and viciousness
Sadistic blood thirsty acts
Taking out the women and the children and the facts
Cutting off the food aid
The energy and supplies
Bombing strafing hospitals
All done before our eyes
The Hague court needs to wake up
The daisies are all dying
Stop the rain stop the sun
Our planeteers defying
The monsters are now bombing us
Threatening life and limb
And laughing in our faces
For them it’s like a whim
Zionists describing awfulness abroad
Going after children famine their reward
Grappling in the rubble
Their bodies eaten by
Rats this is the evil
That makes the angels cry