There are established perpetrators
Arrogantly posting now
Torturing domestic cats
For fun deranged they show us how
Their mental instability
Their evil their iniquity
Gives them free reign
To pursue
A policy of rottenness
Of abomination
Through and through
Abusing animals wickedly
Spitefulness and cruelty
Heinous evidence put on line
Their malevolence appears to sign
Identifiable why can they
Continue in their hostile way
Ominous and sinister
Calamitous and beyond belief
Unpleasantness and so much grief
Ululation and lamenting
Squalor and filth it’s unrelenting
Block these sites
Police their actions
The rancour and the misanthropy
Denounce the evil
Once and for all
China make it a general rule
Step up now the guilty must
Be blocked and charged
For they do disgust.