Out hunting foxes
Masters of deceit
With hounds they have brain washed
Being the elite
Posh people and all that
Countrymen they
Believe they have rights
At the end of the day
Saddled up groups
Ready to run
Chasing the poor sods
Out in the sun
In the frost in the rain
In the ice and the snow
Aliens really
Who know where to go
People of substance
Dwellers who feel
They have the right
Honestly real
Foxes are vermin
Flea hoarding for
Better placed torn apart
By the hounds as we know
Thank goodness for warriors
Now on the scene
Saboteur angels
Who run with the green
Who see through the miasma
The evil that’s there
Breaking the law
Causing despair
Recently a hunt killed an Alpaca
Innocent, farmed loved
Who happened to be
There where the hunt
Was conducting its stuff
And sadly for the animal
It was just rough
Laws in this country
Cover us all
The countryside teeters
The cry and the call
Galloping through
And over about
Murdering Foxes
That’s what it’s about