South Africa
Stands up and shouts
Without doubts
Having suffered herself before
Apartheid and true pain so raw
Palestine, Gaza and more
What we all see a vile war
Murder carried out so madly
Organised so very badly
Women and children blown to bits
Retired folk too
As The world sits
Judge and jury and looks away
As the carnage carries on each day
It’s on the news blow by blow
Hospitals ambulances we all know
Thousands are dead imagine the fear
Occupied, that much is clear
Israel given so much relief
Weaponry and money to increase the grief
Knowing babies in incubators were
murdered we know all this did occur
South Africa stands up and states
The pain and agony and the fates
Of unarmed women and children grows
Worse by the day and it just shows
All of us really with hearts that beat
How so many use deceit turn away
And feel the pain
Everyday it’s so insane
They have a right to defend they say
An occupied people day on day
For years and years in a rotten camp
Devoid of water of food in damp
Squalid conditions everyday
And now bombed to death
And made to pay
South Africa clearly a spirited place
Stirred by the agony
And the disgrace
Innocent families ongoing grief
The savagery shown
Beyond belief
Thank you South Africa