
Palestine’s crumbling
People are crying
Explosions and fire storms
And so many dying
Children lie battered
Broken and torn
Fathers and mothers
Wish they hadn’t been born

Israeli soldiers
Their Arrogance rules
Blowing up hospitals
Such wretched fools
Settlers maliciously
Guilty as hell
So many victims
In this vast warring spell

Everywhere hate and contempt
And disease
Gaza already is down on its knees
They are killing their own
In this rubble so wide
Zionists monsters
And vile genocide

Tears can be heard in the mosques
Around town
Jewish prayers shouted
By soldiers to frown
As Muslims are dying
Shattered and lost
This warring is raging
At an enormous cost

The people of Palestine
Treated so bad
Beaten and broken
The madness is sad
To see it
to be it
to feel it
to see
Crimes every moment against humanity

Netanyahu a monster
Dark as can be
Spewing his fire
And real lunacy
Killing and breaking
hearts everywhere
With vehement vomit
That ruins the air

Rats on the increase
Water is short
Everything’s tainted
Criminals caught
Up in the mayhem
The jackboot brigade
Take on more evil
And upon them are laid

American weaponry
Flagellation and flaying
No one can say
Anything Gaza is suffering so
No where is safe
Wherever they go

Cry for the children
For all the broken hearts
Limbs being torn off
Piled up on carts
Animals too
Have reached kingdom come
In the forces of evil
That heart sapping drum

They shoot at their own
Carring white flags
Stripped off their clothes
No riches just rags
iDF soldiers angered with sin
Punishing movement
In the dust and the din.

Can we imagine the huge tragedy
The demons are everywhere
The devilry
Purgatory man made
Rivers of fire
Of death and destruction
And religious ire.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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