Cream and navy stripey sky
A stillness out there
That does belie
A December evening
Where Lacey trees
Rest awhile
Dark trunks reprise
Traffic music far-away
A Street light beaming
The end of day
Frost is appearing
Curtains of black
Descending frantically
An attack
Of Winter cometh
Imagine do
The red deers in the woods
It’s true
Fondling hinds
Quietly they hide
Just hoping for a new day
Out there men with guns appear
Hunters dreaded locked in fear
Anger there is never need
Men with dogs
How they succeed
They want the venison rich and red
Flaming embers
It’s been said
We need to stop this evil now
It’s offensive yes and how
Indignation so much I feel
Leave wild folks alone
I appeal
To the raging sicko’s
Of the South West
It’s intolerable