To all you meat eaters
Dead flesh we know
You love it good on you
But watch how we know
Us vegans we see
With our eyes
Just how blind
Consumers are these days
It does blow our mind
Creation the chicken
For example it’s need
This living miracle
For it to succeed
It’s essential make up
It’s identity
It’s genuine need
It’s congruity
Comes at a price
Arrogance and ignorance
Together not nice
In pole position
Having the upper hand
The farmers their profit
Sometimes a bit bland
They feel they are prophets
Creators though who
Use manipulation
It’s, what they do
Parasitical masters
Imperfect they be
Half measures always
With their monopoly
Dismiss the true
Deranged and disordered
Shambolic yes too
Out of step with reality
Chaotic states
A slovenly view
Infringement infraction
Deviation of sorts
I’ll-judged I’ll advised
The wrong kind of thoughts
Entrenched in obstinacy
Gridlock out there
The poor chickens suffer
So much despair
Production accomplishment
It is our undoing
Our adversity
Overwhelming numbers
Slaughtered each hour
Cut into joints
For time to devour
Batteries stifling
Filthy and wet
Living in excrement
An incendiary debt
Building up quietly
Behind closed doors
Balance sheets growing
Lots of applause
Farming and breeding
Insentient souls
Unaware and unhearing
Taking on roles
Inanity sadly
Instinctive goals
Mental inertia
Reckless let’s say
Chickens are suffering
Badly all day
Passed over dismissed
Thoughtless and uncaring
What is utter folly
Where people desist
Deficient and wanting
Fools in a way
Hygiene is poor
Getting worse every day