Don’t tell me it’s the children
Who need to hear the noise
The horrendous flying whizz bangs
For the life of me what joys
Spring fourth from all this clamour
These ugly crescendo’s please
With wars around the world right now
Sanity we must seize
Where I live it’s countryside
A forest very near
Lots of wild born animals
Who hearing this must fear
Pets at home they certainly
Must suffer every hour
Bangers are unbelievable
And rockets so much power
Bonfire night and parties
Muddy gardens where
People blow their money
Causing us despair
We animals are shocked out of our minds
Coloured stars and spangled bars
It’s one hell of a fright
Stop this shit forever
Imagine if you were
A deer out in the forest
Why does it occur
Squirrels running up the trees
Wild birds of the wing
Huddled in the roof eaves
No one wants to sing
Sticks lodged in the gutter
Everywhere despair
Weird noises lighting up the sky
And fires just everywhere
Despite the wet despite the cold
Despite the need to be
Indoors with perhaps a bowl of soup
Many want to see
Explosions and disaster
Children seemingly
Enamoured by this utter shit
Why on earth are we
So bloody insensitive to others