I met a man some years ago
An Australian was he
A geologist of standing
Enlightened and aware
What our Earth is made of
How rocks were formed
The care
He put into his studies
Seismic, weather and tectonic movement
A gentleman a genius
He travelled near and far
His daughter Cristina from Ecuador
Became a shining star
His wife Victoria Andean born
An inspiration too
As a family they were full of joy
And dedicated to
Being truly happy
A Well travelled thoughtful soul
Alan was a gentleman
Resourcefully, saw his role
In heading up the family
With insight and empathy
Reliable and eloquent
So spirited was he
He was always very thoughtful
Inventive in so many ways
He didn’t let things worry him
Very quick to praise
Others so attractive his personality
A lovely chap to be around
Just so creative, he
Kind, a really lovely man
So Genuine was he
quiet of mood
And constant
In his love and care
Confirming and affirming
And always very fair
Whether Working in the outback
Or in the Andes he
Appreciated Nature
He loved the artistry
The language and the miracles
Cogent and inspired
I was so pleased to have met him
This is so lovely. Thanks so much my friend.
It’s happiness that I feel when I think of my delightful friends in Australia, all those memories of travelling around in Ecuador and in Australia, travelling all around Oz by train wouldnt have happened if I hadn’t met the wild child in Switzerland all those years earlier
And would not have been able to go to Ecuador either I have written hundreds of poems about Australia the animals the history and the Indigenous thank you Cristina and Victoria