Watford Hospital

Poor old Rex took ill again
As fragile as could be
My head it was swimming
I really felt sickly
On thinners it is surely
Not a great idea
To be rocking when one is walking
That much just seemed clear
Not wanting to eat much
And gradually as the day progressed
Came the unsteadiness
I really felt so stressed

Called up the local dr
They were closed all day
Staff training
Unhelpful to me why now I pray
The day I feel so awful
So stressed and sickly too
Of all days it’s staff training
I couldn’t believe it was true

As the day progressed I got worse and worse
My head a hive of pain
My balance was all over the place
And I had to refrain from falling
My main worry and being sick for sure
Ringing the dr and finally
she was knocking at my door

I was pale and teetering
She thought possibly
I might have had a stroke
And did a lot of tests on me
She decided to ring for an ambulance
That’s when Holly and Gemma appeared
Took me off to Watford
Inside I suppose, I cheered

It took a fair old time
Being cared for all the way
These ambulance staff are angels
Softening our dismay
Jolly and truly caring
The nhs excels
Forty five minutes
Happy really one of the nicer spells

Pouring with rain a real hive
Of quiet activity
Three ambulances unloading
And three more actually
Wheeled in to thecA&E
Nurses everywhere
Orderlies and doctors
All delivering care

I was seen to right away
The ambulance team were good
They came and said goodbye to me
Not really that they should
They wanted to they thanked me
For what I was going to do write them each a poem
And tell the world how true

These angels are how worthy
How special and they are
And I was really lucky
To meet up with them by far
So I was seen by “precious”
And a Romanian Nurse
They took some blood out of my hands
For blood the nurses curse

Lousy veins so difficult for dracula to sup
I mean they needed lots of it it takes time to fill a cup!
But they were clearly up to it
Looked after me and made
Me comfortable everyone of them
And I joined the sick parade
The corridor stowage beckoned
All sorts trolleys wheeled
No place in the wards alas
The chaos was revealed

But again they were all fantastic
Every single one
Joyful and triumphant
A little bit of sun
From all of them this dark wet night
Off to the scanner I
Again the staff there special
No real reason why
That is who they are
All special

Afterwards waiting for results
And the drs

did some tests

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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