Migrant hotels in every town
Beautiful places
What is going down
Nobody really knows who they are
Mostly men from near and far
Lots of green spaces
Locals can’t stay there
Those migrants we see
Are dressed well have mobile phones
And bikes
A spell
Of genuine generosity
From tax payers here
It seems to me
Motels country houses too
Taken over no not for you
Not the common man or the man on the street
Sleeping rough
They have us beat
The migrant people
The rubber boats
The life boat teams
All afloat
Reach our beaches
And whisked away
To nice hotels where they can stay
Four and five star
What a treat
A doctor a dentist
And good stuff to eat
Mountain bikes
That Tax payers buy
A life of bliss
Whilst lots ask why
Who the hell are they
Mostly men
Of fighting age
Do we know when
Any will leave
Tax payers pay
A bloody fortune every day
They pay no rent
It’s all free
They also font pay for the energy
Our own people
Cannot afford
Such places
That is the reward
We can’t afford the actual heat
Or constant hot water
We can’t compete
It isn’t fair
No not at all
It’s driving some folks up the wall
Our towns see unchecked personnel
Riding about
They all seem well
Mobile phones contracts paid
On our poor heads
All this laid
A government whose basically
Is bloody useless actually
Waiting lists are through the roof
The National health aloof
But pensioners and veterans they
Can just stop moaning and go away
That is Britain now today
Tory Labour green we pay
In taxes lots to keep these folk
Who nobody knows
For they all are broke
No paper they went in the sea
The Home office doesn’t know who they be
Where they are from look at Sweden now
Rapes and gang fights
That is how
It all ends up