The Arboreal Herbivore
Loves climbing trees
The Eucalyptus where it does so with ease
Often in a fork in open woodlands
They be
In the South East in QLD NSW
We see
Mostly at dusk or at Dawn
Or at night
The Adustus in the North
And the Victor in the South
They love to sleep
Dreaming away
Digesting the leaves that they eat
And they pay
A high regard for their mothers
Who feed pap to their offspring
Which helps them succeed
They are mostly solitary
Living in ranges
Wedged in their trees
With their speckled fur
For them life is faultless
A flawless performance
Males mate from four years
Their eminence raw
Imagine how boring it must be
On leaves
Strong tasting toxics
Where chewing achieves
The nutrition necessary
For 4 hours or so
With 20 hours sleep
Watch out down below
They shit fibrous pellets
Pencil shaped they
Live a boring existence
Imperfect some say
Susceptible really to bacterial woe
Chlamydia sadly which blinds them you know
They are marsupials pouch bound and they
Being born immature
Have a magical way
Of deriving their life path
From leaves that is all
Which sounds rather boring
Listen to their call
A sort of low grunt
A cautionary sound
Really just warning you
They are around.