There’s an angel in Belmarsh
And we put him there
The people we just closed our eyes
His despair
Wrought with such agony
Twisting his bowel
In with the demons to throw in his towel
Must be an objective
He whistle blew
The truth the whole truth
And the shit grew and grew
The yanks want his body
His heart and his soul
Machine gunning innocence
Out of control
And the angel was witness
To tinder and fire
And filmed it and showed it
The reaction was dire
Belmarsh a hell hole
A vile awful place
Where robbers and rapists
Are held in disgrace
Violence is everywhere
Hatred and more
And julian waits
In his own
little war
With his soul with his mind
Away from family who care
The government sits on their hands
Totally illogical mad as march hares
This poor man is waiting
No one hears his prayers
America stinks thats really why
They want his guts
For garters i cry my eyes out for him
In the wretched cell
Chiacked and threatened
By the awful smell
Of evil and ugliness
We know so well