
The Minke is a whale
And the Norwegians seem to feel
These beautiful sea mammals
Were created, yes it’s real
For them, those half baked vikings
And the Hiroshima mob
Norway yea and japan
The seas both like to rob

The IWC a body doing its best to try
And get the world to stop this carnage
Whales you see are why
So many oceans flourish
It because these splendid whales
For watching not for killing
Breaching such fine tails

Most of the countries around The World
Stopped harpooning whales
JApan kept up its onslaught
Norway did as well
Iceland there’s another reprobate
Straight out of hell

It’s not that they eat loads of it
Mercury is there
The tail fin and the this and that
Many people swear
The flesh is bloody awful
The blubber awful too
And it tends to be the old people
And tourists now how do

The old ones gobbling all that flesh
And pets of course they too
And lots more of the carcass
Are thrown back yes they do
Waste so much then this is how
Those wonderful souls
Are used
Caught in Norway shipped to JApan
Anyway all abused.

Two thirds of these whales they catch
Are females what a shame
Many of them pregnant
The cruelty of their game
Those babies lost forever
Gunned down in cold blood
Used to feed the fur farm victims
And pet food that great flood

Of natural beautiful whale meat
Wasted every day
Shipped off described as frozen fish
No it’s not the way
It’s whale meat and foreign stevedores
Do not like to handle it
Or practice all those chores.

They sell whale on the cruise ships
In supermarkets too
In restaurants and in deck samplers and
Fish markets it’s true
The cruelty is enormous
These wonderful mammals who
Faced up with exploding harpoons
You can guess what some do

Well I hope you can
For protestors love whales very much
Just hear their cries
Look at their eyes
Bloodshot tears the crimson lies
These bloody hunters talk about
The crescendo of the divine
Screaming for their very lives
Really down the line

Their mentality enormous
Pensive introspection
Meditative and contemplative
So much imagination
Just authentication
And moral certainty
Unshakable ocean oracles
Their infallibility

A harpoon hits their innards
Murders their baby girl
A mother cries with enormity
Her poor head in a whirl
Of obsolete persuasion
And illogicality
These murdering scumbags
Heartless brutes who kill so nastily.

They argue in a circle
Throw back in the sea
Huge amounts of surplus waste
An irrelevance to me
That created magnificence
tossed and boned
And stinking
Just dumped back violently.

Norway iceland the Japanese
The Faroe Islanders
Bloody butchers my contempt
So blood thirsty they be
Good old captain Watson
A King amongst the squirts
Courage is his middle name
The others lost their shirts
Years ago sloppy thinking
Lack of vision
A blindness I can say
They know about injustice
On their hearts and heads display

Masses of tunnel vision
Cliqueshness supreme
Baggage they have masses of it
Fixated it would seem
Biased warped and twisted
Its Captain Watson who
Is the great whales Saviour
Honest folks it’s true.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Orca's and Dolphins, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wildness is our friend. Bookmark the permalink.

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