He was born in Luton Bedfordshire
And is Fifty years of age
Lived with his girl friend
And three lovely children
In Tipi Valley West Wales
Just a page
In a yurt
If you like A practical stance
His moral fibre high
He had a sense of honour
The environment was why
He lived closer to Nature
He respected that life more
He an eco Warrior
With a single-hearted store
Of incorruptibility
Unstained in so many ways
Living close to Nature
Fair-dealing all his days.
For him a restoration
Of belief his system was
From the heart his benediction
His blessing was because
The machinations of Government
The tearing down of trees
The extension of runways
And train tracks
For him was a disease
The Forestry Commission
Was where he laid his soul
Trees those oxygenators
Awestruck by their role
How could honest arborists
Be paid to rip and tear
To grind and saw and chop
Whats more
how can that be fair
He set out
His vast stall of good
A marathon runner He
That lonely world of the utmost
All those miles his key
To reverence and performance
Respect of the living wild
He has that sense of duty
His principles reconciled.
A thankfulness of Natural life
Was appreciative his feelings
Of compassion and forbearance
There were so many ceilings
Resentment mischief makers
A kind of eco missionary
Not one of the takers
Truly patriotic
Enlightened and altruistic
Well meant and well intentioned
And honestly synergistic
HS2 the Fairmile Protest
Road schemes Newbury
The tunnels Swampy’s dedication
Brought his honest fury
Even David Cameron’s mother
As magistrate appeared
To sanction him
No one ever truly had he feared
“Digging Down” a protest song
About the Fairmile” scheme
He truly is a warrior
For good
Some clearly seem
To think that those who
Have beliefs
different from the state
The established social order
Must live with their own fate
Humanity needs chivalry
Action and a force
A kind of crusader
Directly from the source
The forestry, the countryside
The freedom of the wild
What is true philanthropy
That benefits the child
Exuberance and richness
Of the countryside around
The fervour of posterity
Great zest within the ground
Fertility and vigour
Activities like these
Jones Hill Wood
Wendover Tunnel
Daniel was all about
Embracing the Natural World
Where he had little doubt
A visitant upon this Earth
A nomad of a kind
A minstrel and a seeker
Needing to leave behind
An odyssey of journeying
A knight yes if you will
With a pure direction
On what is his noble skill