Wild horses

They have dynamism and vigour
An intensity of soul
An impetus and massive force
A presence and a role
Each lives their special moment
With a honourable degree
Whipping up excitement
They know where they want to be

They influence their surroundings
Their potency you feel
Galloping over grass lands
Their domination real
They love the wildness of their space
That emptiness they own
Harmonious and rhythmical
A symmetry has grown

Up with them together
Kinetic energy
Travellers in essence
A force of gravity
Lightening reactions
A mirage to regard
Colourful in essence
Sage like even starred

Recall they hold memories
They are mindful that’s for sure
They contemplate the obvious
Foraging for raw
A certain ingenuity
Resourceful everyone
Into their life meaning
Enjoying the warm sun

For them a revelation
To not be saddled tight
To not have man upon their backs
None of that is right
They manifest pure freedom
To go where they choose to go
Not be whipped or feel the heels
They identify and know

Wildness their endowment
Their dictum to affirm
To stay away from the two legs
Their mendacity to worm
Their way into affections
Their vile skullduggery
Their need for much more milage
As a necessity

Horses have an obstinacy
A mind of their own
To be forced to be unyielding
Those human seeds are sown
Deep into our spirit
So adamant they be
When we are rebellious
The mind you see is free

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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