Rushed off her feet
Young Chris, all smiles
Was there for all to ask
People clearly need her help
It is a busy task
Honouring the bank and she
Saw me and she asked
Could she help
Clearly she enjoyed
Multi tasking
My account was blocked, on line
But Chris was up to that
She got the whole thing moving
She knew where I was at
I didn’t have my glasses
And she loaned hers to me
And got me out of trouble
Really beautifully
What a star that lady is
Her bonus should be soon
A return trip to Santander
In Spain
Perhaps in June
Georgina you are her Boss, I hear
You must be very proud
To have this lass working with you
She sticks out in the crowd
Helping, going the extra Mile
Joyfully she be
She really is insightful
With loads of empathy.