Awakenings at Imbolc

The magic of the unworldly
At Imbolc we proclaim
The epitome of divination
It be the very same
A spell and incantation.
In darkness sat us three
The witching time was prevalent
A Stygian gloom was key

Settled on top of the hill
Looking down on Chipping, we
Our circle of daffodils
Our candle burning earnestly
Heartfelt celebrations
Nocturnal was our plea
Held by the grove of substance
In Our fascination We

Awakened and, regarded
Our crystal offerings were
Channelled and enlivened
We knew what did occur
The creaking gate immersed us
Subliminally we were
Anointed on the heartfelt path
And what did occur

Within the realms of poetry
Strengthening our role
The trinity of redemption
Measuring the soul
Action at the surface
Mole hills a wee chance
With the realms of honest dealing
At the intimate we glance

“Clear the path and light the way
Strengthen our hearts to embrace each day
There is no place for fear nor doubt
Uncertainty I cast thee out”
Within the realms of honesty
Primed and so anointed be
The beating heart its magic comes
From the clarification of spirit drums.

Each of us blessed our crystal gaze
A turnstone spell an affirming phase
Channelled persuasion
Our liege
And An awakening that’s off the page

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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