For many happy years
i had been living
at Follys Farm near Berkhamsted
It an idyll where
so many friends
What was our great big family
The fresh air
and grassy fields
Care and much attention
Unfading love so free
My best friend was Starlight
a connection
a kinship really inseparable
Were we
Chatting every day
Helping in every way
Everything was glorious
she really made it so
dying like that flying South to the Summerlands you know
Our companionship lost suddenly
Our affinity our parting
From that moment my eyes closed
I felt the sadness starting
Muffin being sensitive understood The predicament
Moved closer to Starlight
Helping her to be
Not so stricken by my passing
follys a sweet home from home
Really in a nutshell
One big family
eternity whispers unfading glory
hilltops and herbage and wonderful care
absorbed and unchanging allweather ranging
wild flowers and wild life and being aware
each of us DONKS intuitive beings
taken up with true Nature
And the willingness to
Share ingenuity envisage and visualise
Meaningful presence
It’s what families do
This revelation the eye catching moments
Commitment and loving
An aura profound
I could remember the good days
With confidence
Knowing that Starlight
Would be around
With Muffin beside her
Life would go on
Favour and blessing
Although I had Gone.