Monthly Archives: September 2022


At Yulin those eating canines and lychees It’s their thing Sick minds tell them that pet dogs Of someone else can bring Their libido into reckoning As for their heart and soul They were born so evil They never possessed … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, CHINA food obscenity, Dogs | Leave a comment


2day is heavy rustling The leaves a bashing get The sky is feeling down in the dumps Apparently it’s set On some precipitation A chilling factor here A panoply of restlessness And a tiny chink of fear October is in … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Poems, Topical News Stories II | Leave a comment


The sky appears cantankerous An angry disposition Greying at the temples Not in the best condition The TOR though stands obsessing It knows it’s place is set Fair for since it has been there Avalon paid its debt

Posted in Adrenochrome junkies, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

Love forever

Love you that’s an understatement A longing in my soul Warriors are up to it We are in control Sonnets essays speeches Live protest anywhere Love you that’s an understatement Really now our goal To march to give our blessings … Continue reading

Posted in womens issues | Leave a comment

Stone Henge

Many centuries its stood its ground On the Salisbury plain A Neolithic temple of stones You are insane To stage such fearful drama It’s foundation Rock and roll Your saying it’s congestion Where the hell’s your soul Inexplicability &gibberish today … Continue reading

Posted in The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

Nee me poo cradle boards

Floral cradle boards Were the way To carry baby every day from the born of a saddle Or on mothers back A Nee me poo Was a mean pack Baby of course and ancillaries too Working women Knew what to … Continue reading

Posted in Indigenous People, womens issues | Leave a comment

Womens work

The Assiniboine called by the Ojibwa Cooking with stones a method they An expedient methodology A baby carried in a papoose Ease of handling so women could Work and care could gather berries Herbs a plenty every day No such … Continue reading

Posted in Indigenous People, womens issues | Leave a comment

Lakota dance routine

Mountain goat wool & cedar bark Blankets kept out chill Spruce root hats Looked fetching Probably they would still Taku Tlingit Elders The Chilkit blankets Bore the chieftains crests & a flowing fringe &when dancing Such a draw Noticeable & … Continue reading

Posted in Indigenous People | Leave a comment

indigenous People the world over

The Indigenous people Praise them protect them Minority dwellers Casting their knowledge And they have so much of it Prowess their goddesses Artwork and scribing Painters of purpose

Posted in Indigenous People | Leave a comment

Lakota memories

Used for a dwelling The Lakota word Tipi Plains people Buffalo skins Easy to carry Moving less costly Avoiding bruising shins Visions and dreams Brought characters too Which were painted on Tipi’s For protection Tis true

Posted in Indigenous People | Leave a comment

Lakota thought from 1914

Virginia Tom renowned for her weaving Cedar bark clothing Clam digging Collecting the seaweed On cool beaches All done by women The north east coast people To Where the tide reaches

Posted in ANIMALAID unlimited, Explorers and Visionaries, Indigenous People, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Brown field site BS

Be sure brother it’s not 5 g & the AI ‘s weirder energy The sensitives r on the case Trying 2warn the human race but if they hear not a word They look at u saying absurd Look at the … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

The SABS on the Plain

Moonrakers spirit envelops the soul A saboteurs message a celestial role In safeguarding wild things That live out on the plain Whose flight in the Winter Is fraught with disdain The negative hunt visitations Inflict shock and awe they believe … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

Castles in the air

Laurence of Ludlow Clearly well heeled A beautiful building In a landscaped field Old as the hills Attractively stood Looking the part Which is bloody good

Posted in Business Testimonials, General Poems, Photography and general audits, Short Stories in Rhyme | Leave a comment

Stonehenge 3

Salisbury plain and the MOD Rented from the people who diligently Know about Stonehenge It’s in their blood Tunnels and 303’s It’s a big thud in everyone’s psyche Leave well alone Big wigs no nothing Not from their tone

Posted in The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment


For goodness sake people We just have to stand Up and fight if we have to Protecting our land Stonehenge is paramount It has to be Left where it is Its supremacy It’s on hallowed ground To carve up and … Continue reading

Posted in The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

Release time

The joy of release Freedom right now You have the choice To run free Which is how No bars &no wire An open door You go where you want In whatever direction You can live by your law Liberty thought … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Animals I have met in the veterinary, Uncategorized | Leave a comment


Rubber gloves A pipe pushed through A frightened Beagle I’d be too A robotic technician Feeling no more Obnoxious and nasty A grossness for sure Experimentation Morbidity Monstrous maltreatment Is what I see Unbelievable yelping Blood curdling cries Execrable evil … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Dogs, Experimentation | Leave a comment

Galgos and the miserable hunter

Hanging in trees like horrific baubles Thrown into wells like slag from a wheel Tossed into the mountains to die a sad death Hunting dogs how would we feel These rotten hunters when the season is over Or greyhounds get … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Dogs, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Screams from the slaughterhouse

Oh they scream and when hearing their screams It will turn your breath to an acrid acidic burn Touching your heart Like nothing before Chomp on her liver A piece of it raw Sadistic carnivore

Posted in Abandonment, Animal Rights, slaughterhouses and operatives | Leave a comment


manifestation unfolding before us Prophecies forecast Henna and gold Cadmium orange Celestial patchwork Heavens narration is told

Posted in magick | Leave a comment

Muddied and torn

Studious his integrity is second to none Rapturous blessings out in the sun Humbleness and deference Everywhere we go Listen for the hunter man Whose indignity does show Whipping his exhausted horse Expletives tossed at Sabs The horse becomes his … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

True sweet hearts

There is wonderment around us Admiration for Trees and woodland Creatures wild The craft the rede and more Bafflement and transformation Reconciled Miraculous and marvellous The melody of light The magic arts The wizardry Off the talismanic charts From one … Continue reading

Posted in The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

American circus

A tart with fart a trainer of sorts Forcing the elephants warts And all they Beaten and frightened bull hooks away They are nobility she is a freak Impassive blankness Isn’t she bleak making them climb Threatening pain American circus … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, circus, Elephants, Five G and LED street lighting and tree felling | Leave a comment

American circus

Denial of absolute beauty already The whole natural elephant tones Painting all floral and a stony indifference What comes from my gut are just groans Circus an infamous black hole An indecent improper place Dishonoured and disgraced a dear Ele … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, circus, Elephants | Leave a comment


Or cubbing at night When the moons not that bright The craven in tweed Do their dirtiest deed After our foxes Brinkmanship playing Impetuosity They want for slaying The Irreverent gutless That’s what I am saying. With a disinclination To … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

Cubbing from scumbag hunters

@moonrakerhunt1 Cubbing where fox cubs are torn into bits By the rabble in tweed Who get on my tits Incautious Hot heads who clearly deny They disperse foxes& Woodland traps lie These barbaric scumbags Tasting blood as they do Whey … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, EMF and animals sensitivity to it (stories from around the world), Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting | Leave a comment


We have 2save the Bilbey Marsupials supreme They have been around 4 15 million years So It would seem Nocturnal &great hearing &a sense of smell grasses ants &termites They seem to weave a spell Rabbits foxes wildcats Actuallydo eat … Continue reading

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Macrobiotic pathway

Keepers I am sure there are some But wildness would have been Their macrobiotic highway Capturing them was obscene They talk up conservation But it’s business for them their Infantry is life itself And actually that’s unfair

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Elephants | Leave a comment

Zoo’s close them all

The tedium of zoo life The staleness of the air Pining 4their families Zoo keepers do not care It’s all humdrum 2the animals The monotony they feel Gawped at by the public Such ugliness is real It’s artless 2be stared … Continue reading

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