Goats what they go through due to our stupidity

Goats are a hardy animals

but man unkind is there

ready to abuse  and does so

bringing goats  despair

they do eat quite some noxious plants

more so than sheep or cows

but do not win any more respect

Which  now I must espouse


Goats milk is even fattier than cows  milk

its designed for goats

Not human  beings

cheese made from it  truthfully one notes

its stolen from live animals

who are sent to the death house

their skin it’s called kid leather

by those with little nouse


kid gloves you must have heard that said

for drums for tambourines

for vellum artists parchment paper

wallets, shoes,  machines turn this  exotic leather

Into stuff  for those

the ignorant and the arrogant

and of course the do not knows



china tops the GOAT meat trade

india  No two


and then Pakistan

with consumption growing too

as for Goats Milk

India followed by Bangladesh

Pakistan and The  Sudan

these countries love the flesh

the leather and the milk it seems

unnatural, we must say

high cholesterol short lifespan

it makes no sense

this day


it’s clearly about cruelty about profits

that is all

as for human nutrition

its drives folk up the wall

weight gain that’s for certain

cruelty,mKe of course

and it is the babies

who form a miserable source

of income eating babies

the  order of the day

its hardly very positive

thats all I have to say.


hog tied  little babies carted off

to the abattoir

crying  little eyes all red

and many taken far

away from where they are shipped from

the journeys hard and long

pining for their parents

And all of this is wrong


goats are being crippled falling dead

before their time

human beings believing

eating goats milk

there’s no rhyme

or reason

Except  for  profit

their nutrition makes us unwell

we really need more prophets

not the present kind from Hell.












About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, goats, Milk and its associated problems, Nutrition, Pakistan. Bookmark the permalink.

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