Tony Wild Camping
in Woburn Park
the realisation that they
leave their mark
in an emerald grove
in a circle of trees
When the wind blows,a symphony
there if you please
Attested and true
and laid out, we see
all manner of tents
well appointed
they be
all shapes and sizes
So many more
large ones and small ones
colours galore
a wonderful service from Sarah,,
For she
More helpful than most
and is really friendly
With heaps of knowledge
thats what sellings for
and a dear little staffordshire
you won’t ignore
He carries his rope
it is his hope
you play, joyfully
walk with him
It is relaxing to be
Where there is masses
of integrity
At Tony Wild Camping
they all just reveal
great sum and substance
embracing the real
honest to goodness
in touch
with outdoor pursuits
and accessories much
of your time spent
in this marvellous haven of green
This halcyon place
you will
be glad you have been
Its beautuful countryside
With good fresh air
cajoled by high trees
A sojurn to share
Tony Wild Camping
Woburn Park
Park Road
pass the Lodge
through the two stone Lions
and turn right follow the signs to
Tony Wild ,Camping