Selective uptake

the  periodic Table of the elements

have so much going for them  but few see

the elements related to the environments

they overlook the similarity

calcium and strontium are sisters

potassium and caesium are too

iron and what is hell on earth Plutonium

and this is what the  scientists could do

use what brains they have got

that is one avenue

a spot of logic and a bit of care

in a world where bottom lines run riot

science could  pretend its everywhere

for where we grow our food the  soil is dying

minerals have gone many years before

the  supermarket moguls want big margins

and growers pay in blood for keeping score

twas NPK and Leibig on his death bed

he uttered his last words and gave free reign

to toms to dicks to harry’s, yes to all of them

who in so many words had much to gain

a tragedy exists for all and sundry

the agony a long one with no end

cancers are advancing  now unchallenged

in the etheric  world  many suspend

insidiously  the sisters  are advancing

quietly they irradiate each cell

colloidal and chelation have a place now

a resting place upon the road to Hell.


radio active substances must be eliminated in our environments

and Nuclear Power  is  a vile and regrettable short cut to  disaster.




Written  friday 25/2/2000

zinc 65  bones and reproductive organs   Zinc

sulphur 35?  Skin      Sulphur

iodine 131     Lungs liver reproductive organs    Iodine

cobalt 60       Liver reproductive organs    b12

cesium 137     Reproductive organs liver muscles kidneys potassium

strontium 90   Bones     Cakcium

plutonium 238/9   Lungs liver reproductuve organs   Iron


if your body is missing any of the  organic minerals

or animals are deficient that is when we may take  up the radio active sister if it is available.

organic/bio dynamic whole foods are essential

and worth every penny you pay for them.

avoid animal flesh like the plague












About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Corporate Giants, Corporate manslaughter, depleted uranium, Environmental Poems, Nuclear / Depleted Uranium. Bookmark the permalink.

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